Star Journey comes alive in a Virtual World

Since virtual worlds are 3-dimensional, the Star Journey components of its Circle Pattern and Symbols merge into an interactive landscape. See it for yourself, visit Star Journey Island!

On Star Journey island you can solve a problem, take a few moments of self reflection, or just come and explore this peaceful environment. You’ll meet others from around the world with interests in self-exploration. Many of the Star Journey team can be found online to help visitors. You might even stick around for a free workshop and the opportunity to meet author Richard Geer.

Please new our all-new website created just for this exciting format:


Founded in 2003 by Linden Rsearch, virtual world is a large international community, one whose conetnt has been 100% created by its inhabitants, currently approximately 28 million people and growing. Second Life is an online multi-user and 3-dimensional environment. Participation is typically through the use of an avatar likeness to represent oneself and move about in this cyberspace. At any given time of day, 24/7, there can be from 40,000 to 70,000 people online at once. Registering in Second Life is free,

The virtual world format is ideal for a combination of distance learning provided with an immersive, interactive learning experience.

Star Journey launched its own dedicated island in 2008, and has held free workhops and classes since it began.

Education, Research, Cultural Offerings

Within the diverse environment of Second Life are found many universities, cultural centers, and non-profit organizations. These include the 14 campuses of the University of Texas, the University of North Carolina, Stanford University Library, the Global Learning Forum, Mayo Clinic, UK’s National Health Service, American Cancer Society and Swiss Embassy, among others.

Live Streaming – Workshops & Classes

New technology allows live broadcasting of classes and events held in the virtual world to viewers on the internet. A person not functioning in virtual world is therefore able to see and hear what is happening via the live stream, and they are able to participate in real time using a live chat interface.

Features of Star Journey Island

Star Journey island is a large parcel of cyberspace with many features. Along with its well-known environment for self-exploration, the island also includes “Stars Ballroom” for socializing and dancing. It also includes 12 Gateway Galleries. These represent the method’s main content themes, and they also exhibit artwork by various artists working in the virtual world format.

There are 12 Gardens on ground level, 12 underwater Seas, with 84 interactive symbols placed throughout, all arranged according to the design of the Circle Pattern map. In the sky, one finds large glowing orbs which are the 12 Star symbols, symbols of prime universal energies. There is also the “Envision Deck” where one can meditate on symbols as part of their Goal Journey “game of meaning.”